Our new Podiatrist - Alexandra Downton


Hi, I’m Alex. I have been qualified in podiatry since 2020 from the school of podiatry at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Before working at Walsh Podiatry, I worked in a private practice in Coventry but always wanted to be closer to home. I enjoy podiatry because when I was little, I had very bad ingrowing toenails, so I wanted to learn how they are fixed and how to make people not be in pain with their feet. I also really like getting to know people and always love a good chat!

In my spare time, when I’m not at Walsh Podiatry, you can find me drinking a cup of tea, baking and spending time with my family and friends.

I look forward to seeing you all soon! 😊


Dean Walsh

Dean Walsh is the principle podiatrist at Walsh Podiatry which he has built and established over the last 20 years together with his wife Jenny Walsh and staff working alongside him.  


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