Frequently Asked Question’s

Frequently asked questions regarding laser therapy.

  • A laser therapy session’s time varies depending on what condition is being treated and the size of the area being treated.

    Typically, a session’s duration can last anywhere between 10-30 minutes. The total number of sessions is determined by the individual’s severity of the injury.

  • The effects of laser therapy are generally minimal, however, some may experience bruising, redness, mild swelling or slight pain following the treatment. These symptoms usually subside a couple of hours after the treatment.

    There is a possibility of the treatment causing skin irritation or allergic reactions, however, this is only in rare cases and the practitioner should discuss this before proceeding.

  • Yes, laser therapy is suitable for most individuals. However, there are some circumstances that are not suitable for laser therapy treatment, such as if you are pregnant, have active cancer and take certain medications.

    It is important to speak with the healthcare professional before proceeding to determine whether laser therapy is the best course of treatment.

  • The effects of laser therapy vary depending on the type of condition, the individual’s response to the treatment, and if there is an underlying cause of the problem.

    It is recommended that you discuss with your healthcare provider the expected duration of the effects of laser therapy treatment.

  • This depends on your insurance provider, policy terms and the specific condition which is being treated.

    It may be best to check with your insurance if the treatment is covered before proceeding.


At Walsh Chiropody / Podiatry we treat all foot problems and have an extensive knowledge to deal with any condition. See the list below for more details.

  • These can be very painful and sometimes become infected. The nail grows into the skin usually at the side and can become very inflamed and cause pain with various shoes and activities. The good news is they are easily dealt with, the Podiatrists here can numb your toe and then do a simple surgical procedure which cures the problem and prevents it from reoccurring, sometimes we can do a less invasive procedure and often we can see you the same day to provide instant relief for your symptoms. Book now to get the problem solved and stop this painful condition from stopping you enjoying your life to the full. This practice has been doing nail surgery for many many years and we pride ourselves on the fantastic results we achieve and the help with give to our patients.

  • These are nails which are infected with a fungus. Usually they become discoloured or yellowed. They can be treated with some topical treatments and regular treatment with the Podiatrist, some of the worse infections may require tablets from the GP. It helps to have them reduced in thickness and as much of the fungus removed during your routine treatment. We offer a test which is very accurate and can tell you within 5 minutes if you do indeed have a fungal nail infection. Once we know this we are able to discuss the best treatment option for you. We often use photographs of the nails to monitor the treatment as it progresses. Often people think they have fungal nail infections but the nails may just be damaged and growing thicker. Booking in for a routine treatment would allow us to see what is the best treatment for you. We offer some specific methods of treating fungal nails including The Lacuna Method™.

  • These are sore painful areas of thick callous (hard skin), they are not always on little toes or clawed toes, they can be anywhere which is exposed to pressure. Typically they can occur at the side of nails or under the foot. These are easily dealt with by skilled Podiatrists and can be removed in a routine treatment, during which you will be assessed to see if there is any way of preventing their return.

  • This is hard skin which occurs in response to frictional pressure, it can be easily dealt with, by professional reduction during a routine treatment. During this treatment, we will assess you to see why this callousness is being caused and try to offer help and advice on keeping it away for as long as possible. Often one thing that really does help callous formation is the application of a really good moisturising cream. We recommend our own help4feet foot care cream which is excellent and gives good results, especially on dry split heels.

  • Heel pain can be due to various things. The most common type is called Plantar fasciitis, however bursitis and tendonitis are among others. It is a good idea to have an assessment to see the cause and go through our 5-step treatment program. The plantar fascia is a connective tissue under the foot which inserts into the heel bone and when the foot isn’t functioning well it can pull too hard into the heel bone and set up inflammation. This causes the often experienced symptom of pain after resting. A biomechanical assessment is often advised to first assess the foot and leg function and then prescription of simple insoles or even custom-made orthotics will help the function improve and thus reduce the pain. Often during your assessment, we use ultrasound to confirm the inflammation of the plantar fascia. We also offer a specific heel pain assessment and treatment appointment. This includes the biomechanical assessment and treatment of either foot mobilisation, taping or laser therapy whichever is thought the most appropriate after your assessment. Occasionally we may give a steroid injection for this condition.

  • If your feet hurt when you are walking or standing you should see a Podiatrist. Foot ache or generalised pain is often due to dysfunction of the foot when walking/running. The best way to proceed is to book in for a biomechanical assessment which will allow us to determine what is happening and how we might best improve foot and leg function and thus reduce the stress and strain on the feet and therefore allow the aches and pains to settle down.

    Laser therapy or Foot mobilisation therapy can also really help any foot or leg pain settle down.

  • Problems in this area vary from a condition called metatarsalgia to another called mortons neuroma and the treatment is tailored to the problem and cause. The best way to proceed is to book in for a biomechanical assessment which will allow us to determine what is happening and how we might best improve foot and leg function and thus reduce the stress and strain on the feet and therefore allow the problem to settle down. Often during the assessment we use the ultrasound to see into the area of the foot.

    Laser therapy or Foot mobilisation therapy can really help any pains in the foot or leg settle down also.

  • These are enlarged joints which press onto shoes and cause pain and discomfort. Often adaptations to footwear and simple Chiropody treatment to any corns etc can relieve pain in them. Sometimes surgery is required to align the toe again. Booking in for a routine treatment would allow us to treat any associated corns / callous and give the best advice for you on this condition.

  • These are viral infections on our feet. They are warts and can occur in any position on our feet but typically under the sole. Sometimes they don’t require any treatment at all as they can go away on their own. There are various treatments for verrucas, Walsh Podiatry is a provider of Swift treatment for verrucas which is a great way to help with this uncomfortable irritating condition.

  • These can be very painful and even cause infections if not treated. Prevention is always better than cure though and simply using a good strong foot cream like help4feet foot cream will really help avoid these nasty cracks that can form in the heel area.

    Sometimes they can be quite deep and actually affect our mobility. The skin becomes dry in the area and just as dry arid regions of land split and crack as they dry out so does our skin. The issue is not only does the thick skin around our heels dry out easily due to the lack of moisture getting to the thicker outer layer of skin in this area, but also obviously we are walking and standing on our feet. This pressure causes strain that splits apart the skin when dry and less able to flex. In the winter the blood is diverted deeper into our foot to keep more internal structures warm so it can dry out even more and in the summer they can dry out as often we are wearing more open footwear.

    We would always recommend enclosed footwear and socks to be worn to keep warm and moisture in. Plus twice daily using foot creams like help4feet foot care cream can help prevent the issue.

  • Toes which deform by becoming clawed can range from very mild to severe. Often an imbalance of the muscles in the foot around the toes causes the bones of the toe to flex out of their normal position. This can also be due to damage to tissue under the joint connected to the toe, or even arthritis in the joints. Footwear then can become a big problem as the toe joints will catch on the top of shoes causing blisters and corns. As podiatrists, we can treat the corns to make them comfortable and suggest footwear which will reduce the chance of the pain re-occurring. However if severe this condition can require referral to Podiatric surgery / orthopaedic surgery to either straighten the toe or sometimes amputate it to prevent further complications.

  • Flat feet are a poor description of a foot that has a very low (flat) arch. This condition is very rare, however, the term gets used far too much to describe anyone who seems to have a low arch profile. The movement of the foot where the arch lowers to the floor is called pronation and a foot that 'over pronates' can sometimes become painful. Therefore supporting the foot and reducing the excess pronation can help treat pain and prevent it re-occurring.




Many of us will at some point in our lives need to see a Chiropodist / Podiatrist and in fact an occasional check up to help avoid issues occurring can really help. We visit the Dentist regularly but many of us forget about our feet and the potential issues which are occurring and can cause big problems affecting our mobility and health. See the list below for more details. 

  • Literally, anyone at any age with any foot problem which is affecting them can benefit from a visit to the Podiatrist. Also, it is not a bad idea to have a foot MOT even if there are no problems currently. (We often offer FREE FOOT CHECKS which consists of a free 10-minute check-up where we can check your feet for potential issues), Look out for it on the website or Facebook page or register for our newsletter for more information. If you have any type of foot problem please book in for us to help. Have a look at the type of appointments we offer and book in.

  • Anyone who runs a lot or is involved in any type of sport regularly will be putting their body through its paces. Recurring injuries often occur which can slow runners etc down. We offer a biomechanical assessment where we have invested in software and hardware to enable us to check the function of your feet via treadmill and video gait analysis. We can use foot pressure technology to help us in this assessment. Following the assessment we are able to see what is causing your issue and how efficient your running/walking gait is, plus suggest ways to improve your efficiency and reduce the chances of you getting injured. We often give exercises that may improve your joint range of motion. We can administer manipulations which also can improve the range of motion in certain joints. Insoles/orthotics / 3d printed Phits orthotics can then if necessary be provided to improve your foot and leg function. This can cure your symptoms and give you less likelihood of the issues returning.

    Laser therapy can also help any injury recover much quicker.

    Sometimes if appropriate we may suggest a steroid / joint injection to help speed up recovery and reduce inflammation.

  • As we get older we often get more foot problems. Our nails can change shape and become thickened which makes them harder to cut and cope with. Our skin becomes dryer and less supple, and our joints may become more arthritic and press onto our shoes. This can make us get more corns and callous, which can be painful. So thankfully there are Podiatrists who can help cut our nails, reduce the painful hard skin and remove corns which can improve mobility and quality of life. book in for a routine treatment and get the help you need to improve your feet and keep you as mobile as possible.

    Skin often becomes thinner as we age especially noticeable in the ball of our feet. Walking in these areas is not an issue when we have lots of padding in the area when younger however this padding disappears as we age and makes walking and standing very painful. We are able to offer Dermal filler injections into the lower layers of the skin to literally plump up the skin in this area giving the padding back to help cushion the impact on the area. This can help under the foot but also around corns and callous including in between toes.

  • Diabetics need to have good foot care because of the ways Diabetes can affect your feet. Diabetics can sometimes have problems with circulation and sensation. Therefore effective screening and monitoring together with appropriate careful treatment can help reduce potential issues which may face diabetics otherwise. At Walsh Podiatry we have a system of monitoring your feet and assessing your diabetic risk category, including an annual screening which is formally communicated to your own GP. Footwear advice is also important for Diabetics and correctly fitting shoes are very important. We are able to give various footwear recommendations to help with foot care. Learn more about diabetic foot care.

  • Arthritis comes in various forms. Mainly osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these can be quite debilitating conditions which can cause problems with mobility. Obviously, deformity in the foot caused by arthritis can cause us difficulty in finding shoes that accommodate the foot. We can help you with footwear choices and with any issues of callous and corns to keep you on your feet and improve your mobility and quality of life.

    Mild - Moderate Osteoarthritis of the knee can be helped by joint injections either Steroid Injections or Ostenil (Hyaluronic injections)

  • Children can sometimes need a Podiatrist. All sorts of issues can affect children. Intoeing, flat feet, verrucas and ingrowing toenails to name but a few. A Podiatrist can help with these issues and reassure parents and children. Give us a ring to discuss the issue and we will be able to advise you of the best type of appointment to help.


To try to help you determine the correct treatment for your condition the following list may help narrow down the area causing concern.

  • Heel pain can be due to various things. The most common type is called Plantar fasciitis, however bursitis and tendonitis are among others. It is a good idea to have an assessment to see the cause and go through our 5-step treatment program. The plantar fascia is a connective tissue under the foot which inserts into the heel bone and when the foot isn’t functioning well it can pull too hard into the heel bone and set up inflammation. This causes the often experienced symptom of pain after resting. A biomechanical assessment is often advised to firstly assess the foot and leg function and then prescription of simple insoles or even custom-made orthotics will help the function improve and thus reduce the pain. Often during your assessment, we use ultrasound to confirm the inflammation of the plantar fascia. We also offer a specific heel pain assessment and treatment appointment. This includes the biomechanical assessment and treatment of either foot mobilisation, taping or laser therapy whichever is thought the most appropriate after your assessment. Occasionally we may give a steroid injection for this condition. Find out more information on our heel pain page.

  • Foot ache or pain is often caused by poor foot function. Our feet all function very slightly differently to each other and some of us walk efficiently and some less efficiently. During a biomechanical assessment, we will look at how your feet are functioning and if they need some help when walking to relieve the aches and pains. A common area of the foot to be painful is the front of the foot or ‘ball’ of the foot. There are conditions called metatarsalgia or Mortons Neuroma, which can be very painful conditions. Again a thorough assessment to give you the best treatment to cure the problem is what is required, biomechanical assessment, advice and insoles if necessary.

  • Pain in the shins is often referred to as shin splints. Although there are other causes of this the main issue is poor function of the foot. This is most common with runners especially when running on hard surfaces. The muscles in the shin work much harder than they are meant to and get inflamed and painful. A biomechanical assessment can identify the cause of the issue and provide a solution to resolve the problem. Book in for a biomechanical assessment now.

  • Knee pain can be caused by many things, however, the way we walk and the way our feet and legs function plays an important role in our knee function. Therefore when our feet or legs are not functioning well often strain and wear and tear occur in and around the knees. Commonly the front of the knees is painful around the patella (knee cap) area. When we use orthotics or insoles to support the foot function we can influence the knee and improve its function, which very often leads to resolving the knee problem. A biomechanical assessment can help us identify the best treatment and if we can help. Then if we think it will help we can offer an injection for the pai alongside any other treatment to improve function. Either A Steroid or OStneil (Hyaluronic acid) injection can help.

  • Pain in the hip can sometimes be caused by the way we walk. Of course, as we get older wear and tear can cause osteoarthritis and an X-ray may be helpful to rule this out. However, a poor gait can cause conditions such as bursitis and illio tibial band syndrome which can also cause hip pain. If you have other symptoms in your feet and legs or nothing has shown on an X-ray then booking in for a biomechanical assessment could be exactly what you need. Insoles/orthotics to improve your foot and leg function can resolve these issues and help prevent re-occurrence.

    Laser therapy can sometimes also help this condition.

  • Calf pain can be due to a few things but is very often linked with poor biomechanics. The muscle over-working or straining, because it is compensating for poor foot function, can cause calf pain. Achilles tendonitis, muscle pulls, muscle strain, muscle rupture, and compartment syndrome are all issues related to poor calf function. book in for a biomechanical assessment and we may be able to get to the root of the issue and provide insoles/orthotics to improve foot function and reduce the strain on the calf.

    Calf pain can also be due to poor circulation which we will be able to assess at your appointment.

  • Back pain is extremely complex and has multiple causes. Obviously it can occur at different levels in our spine and can be muscular or related to the small facet joints in our spine. When someone has a one-off back issue I would always recommend seeing your GP for treatment / X-rays etc. However sometimes if the issues are recurrent and there are no major problems on an X-ray then the issues could possibly be related to foot and leg function. Booking in for a biomechanical assessment if no other obvious causes can be seen is an excellent idea.

  • These can be very painful and sometimes become infected. The nail grows into the skin usually at the side and can become very inflamed and cause pain with various shoes and activities. The good news is they are easily dealt with, Podiatrists here can numb your toe and simply do a surgical procedure which cures the problem and prevents it from re-occurring, sometimes we can do a less invasive procedure and often we can see you the same day to provide instant relief for your symptoms. book in now to get the help you need.
