Treating A Sprained Ankle

Treating A Sprained Ankle

If you’ve hurt your ankle! Stay calm— you’re not alone. We’re here to help with some common treatments for a sprained ankle. However, we still advise you to visit a professional who can help properly diagnose and care for your injury.

What is the healing time of a sprained ankle

Sprained ankles take about six weeks to heal on average, but in some cases, it can be longer if the injury is particularly severe. If you are struggling to walk, feeling pain, or have had other ankle sprains, you should see a doctor or foot specialist about the issue as soon as possible. The doctor may recommend various treatments such as rest, using crutches, using a walking boot and wearing a support brace on your ankle. If you intend on dealing with the sprained ankle without professional advice, here are some tips.

Refrain from all physical activity during the recovery period. It will help give your injury time to heal and make it more likely for you to return to your active lifestyle as soon as possible.

Ankle supports are often also a good idea; they will help to prevent the injury from becoming more severe and aid in the healing process. Ankle supports are often inexpensive and offer a wide range of protection during the healing phase. You could also use a supportive boot or even crutches in worse cases.

Should you move your ankle?

You should try to move your ankle to test if the stiffness has decreased or not. Aquatic therapy is one of the best exercises that can be used to increase motion and regain strength in the ankle. It is used to treat tendon injuries and promote motion in an injured back or knee. The idea of this therapy is to use the buoyancy of water to help improve the mobility of your joints. You should be ok to walk on your ankle as long as you aren’t experiencing any pain when doing so.

Remember before exercising you should always stretch your muscles to help prevent any injury while performing the exercise.

When should you call a doctor?

Swelling is perhaps the most obvious sign that you should see a podiatrist as soon as possible. If the swelling does not go down when resting and does not respond to the cold and heat, you may have a serious injury. Swelling can also be a sign of infection. If you’re experiencing one of the following problems, you should see a doctor or podiatrist asap:

  • Redness, tenderness or discolouration of the ankle
  • Severe bruising
  • Moderate or more intense pain
  • An un-improving condition
  • If you noticed a popping or tearing sound when the injury occurred
  • Inability to move your foot or toes
  • Numbness and tingling sensation

If you are suffering from a sprained ankle, do not hesitate to contact a podiatrist. They are experts in the field of rehabilitation for this type of injury.