The government has updated its infection control policy from June 2022 and as such our governing bodies have now changed their advice and guidelines to us.
The use of facemasks in particular are now optional but recommended for staff and patients.
As we do treat some vulnerable patients, we are going to keep certain things in place always going forward.
- Facemasks will be optional but recommended for all. Facemasks will be available for all. We will be recommending their use however not insisting upon it. Staff will be recommended to wear facemasks especially when treating patients.
- We will keep the seating outside the individual rooms and not in the previous waiting room.
- Hand gel will be available to all
- Our cleanliness standards will remain in place.
- All staff are instructed to stay away from work if testing positive for Covid and not return until 2 negative tests.
- We will keep the screen up at reception
- We will be keeping some other changes that we made to the practice since Covid that we feel have improved patient care and helped us give a better service to all.
Thank you