Everything You Need To Know About Fungal Nails

Everything You Need To Know About Fungal Nails

Summer fun is just around the corner; away go the coats and outcome the sunglasses and sandals! Maybe you’ve already planned to get away to your favourite summer destination, or you’re just looking forward to relaxing in the back garden or by the pool. 

On the other hand, a small section of the population may be entering the summer months with fear and apprehension – the issue? Fungal nail infections

In most cases, this unattractive fungal nail infection will not physically prevent you from enjoying what’s to come. However, you might think twice before grabbing your favourite pair of sandals as fungal nail infections can be highly embarrassing, and despite having ‘fun’ in the name, this is something they definitely are not. 

How can fungal toenails affect you?

  • They are not a pretty sight – Believe me, when I say nail fungal infections are pretty noticeable, the nail becomes thickened and exceptionally discoloured – usually a dull yellow or brownish hue. Additionally, the nail often becomes ragged and distorted.
  • Sometimes, they can be painful – A large majority of nail diseases are not physically painful; however, they occasionally can cause some level of discomfort. This usually arises when the warped nail digs into the surrounding flesh, creating an ingrown toenail.
  • They can be dangerous, especially to people with diabetes – Unfortunately, a fungal toenail left untreated can lead to a severe infection – sometimes, amputation is required as rectification. For diabetic patients and others who must practice a higher amount of nail care, particularly those that suffer from poor circulation to the toes, this is especially true.
  • They can spread to other nails, and your skin – The fungi that cause these infections belong to a group of organisms known as dermatophytes. Similarly, the same set of fungal species also cause jock itch, athlete’s foot and ringworm. Through contact, they can spread out and infect other toes and parts of the body. But, general nail care basics can often help to prevent this spread.
  • Keeping them hidden can worsen the problem – Understandably, airing out your unsightly fungal toenails are probably the last thing you want to do. However, keeping your feet wrapped up in humid, soggy shoes and socks can encourage the fungus to grow and spread.
  • They are not always preventable – There is a lot that can be done to reduce your risk of developing fungal toenails like applying nail care basics ad ensuring that your feet are cleaned regularly. Yet, it does not take much for a fungal nail to occur – all it takes is a minor nail or skin injury providing an opening the fungi needs to get underneath and start causing damage to the nail structure.
  • They do not go away on their own – It is impossible to out-wait a case of fungal toenails; the fungal will never run out of keratin to digest! Don’t ignore the problem; it will only make it worse and could end up in total nail removal.
  • Home remedies are rarely successful – Topical, over-the-counter antifungals rarely make it past the defence of the damaged nail itself to attack the nail fungus underneath. It is possible if treatment is being used regularly. However, it would take around a year, and even then, success rates are meagre.
  • They take time to eradicate – Whilst medical treatments for fungal nails can be highly effective, optimal results are time-consuming. It can take months to kill the fungi, and the damage inflicted upon the nail anatomy will remain however more often than not, nail removal is not necessary.

So, what are your options? 

Consequently, if you have an infection and want it gone, you don’t have much choice. You must seek help from a professional

Medical treatments can make a huge difference providing you are disciplined about them. The ‘gold standard’ treatment involves taking oral antifungal medications for up to three months. Topical and shoe treatments may also be recommended. 

Many people have a high tolerance for this treatment, and the cure rates are relatively high if you follow through with the recommendations. With this in mind, it known to have some side effects, so you will need to be monitored regularly throughout the treatment programme.